Yen Bai leader attends 2024 Vietnam Connect Forum

  •  Thursday, April 11, 2024

YBO - Deputy Secretary of Yen Bai province’s Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Tran Huy Tuan attended the 2024 Vietnam Connect Forum held recently in the northern port city of Hai Phong.

Chairman of the provincial Tran Huy Tuan attends 2024 Vietnam Connect Forum
Chairman of the provincial Tran Huy Tuan attends 2024 Vietnam Connect Forum

The event, co-organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Vietnam Economic Time, and the Hai Phong city People’s Committee, also saw the attendance of representatives from embassies, associations, and nearly 300 FDI firms in Vietnam.

Under the theme "Vietnam's Pathways to a Green and Sustainable Economy: From Government's Policies to Localities' and Businesses' Solutions and Initiatives", it was set to improve connection efficiency; promote trade and investment cooperation opportunities between localities, international partners and businesses; and support Vietnamese enterprises and localities in joining the global value chain intensively.

like many other countries worldwide, Vietnam is undergoing a strong transition from the "brown" to "green" economy, with a focus on circular transition, energy transition, low carbon emissions, and ensuring green growth, towards the successful fulfillment of its net-zero commitments by 2050 and sustainable development.

This is considered a green innovation/industrial revolution and has become an inevitable trend in the world's development process.

For Yen Bai province, alongside favourable factors in transport, including highways, railways, and waterways, it boasts abundant and diverse natural resources, ample human resources, and open investment attraction policies.

Amid the ongoing strong trends of integration and globalisation, the locality possesses significant potential and development opportunities, and emerges as an attractive destination for both domestic and foreign investors.

The province is pursuing rapid and sustainable development, towards "green, harmony, distinctiveness, and happiness.” It has issued a decision approving the action plan for green growth for 2021 - 2030 to concretise the National Strategy for Green Growth for the period, with a vision towards 2050, and the National Action Plan for Green Growth for 2021 - 2030.

Notably, its master plan for 2021 - 2030, with a vision towards 2050, approved by the Prime Minister, has integrated green growth solutions with economic development.

It has maintained forest coverage towards the target of 65%, serving as a green lung for Hanoi and the Red River Delta region.

In implementing Power Development Plan VIII, Yen Bai was approved to receive 108 MW of electricity from biomass, 26 MW of rooftop solar power, 582 MW of electricity from small hydropower plants, and 200 MW of wind power.

Within the framework of the forum, there were numerous activities with the participation of international and Vietnamese experts, and representatives of ministries, agencies, and businesses, who exchanged views on issues relating to green transition.

Duc Toan

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