Diplomat looks back 50 years of Vietnam-France ties ​

  •  Friday, April 14, 2023

Vietnam and France established diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level on April 12, 1973. The year 2023 marks many important events between the two countries celebrating 50 years of their diplomatic relations and 10 years of their Strategic Partnership. On this occasion, French Ambassador to Vietnam Nicolas Warnery granted an interview to Vietnam News Agency reporters.

French Ambassador to Vietnam Nicolas Warnery said that this special year is an opportunity to look back on the past journey and reflect on the future of cooperation between the two countries.

According to the Ambassador, economic cooperation is one of the important areas of bilateral relationship. Two-way trade tripled from about 1.6 billion USD in 2009 to 5.3 billion USD in 2019.

As of March, France was the second largest investor in the European Union and ranked 16th out of the 143 countries and territories pouring capital into Vietnam with 673 projects totaling 3.8 billion USD. 

Over the past half a century, despite all the ups and downs, the friendship between Vietnam and France has become more effective in all fields, the Ambassador said.

France always considers education and training a priority in its cooperation activities in Vietnam while cultural exchanges between the two countries are increasingly developing as well.


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