Nghia Lo develops rural tourism in new-style rural area building process

  •  Friday, January 26, 2024

YBO - According to a plan to implement the rural tourism development programme in building new-style rural areas for the 2021 - 2025 period, the People's Committee of Nghia Lo township has set out three goals and 18 specific contents to agencies and units for implementation.

Homestays in Nghia Lo township exploit traditional culinary values for tourism.
Homestays in Nghia Lo township exploit traditional culinary values for tourism.

On August 2, 2022, the Prime Minister issued Decision 922 on the rural tourism development programme in building new-style rural areas for the 2021 - 2025 period.

Nghia Lo has directed the implementation of dissemination in rich and diverse forms, such as including dissemination contents in regular activities in residential areas and activities of grassroots socio-political organisations; and encouraging officials, party members, and people to increasing dissemination on central and provincial mechanisms and policies on the rural tourism development programme on the Internet and other social networks.

Through implementing the programme, Nghia Lo has three community-based tourist sites in Nghia An, Nghia Loi, and Phuc Son communes with 27 households. With many support policies from the locality and the efforts of business households, facilities and service quality are increasingly improved. In addition to providing accommodation, homestays owners also organise to tours to visit and participate in cultural activities with bold characteristics, and sell local agricultural products and handicrafts.

Many contents of the implementation plan have been completed. The township has had two places to display, introduce, and sell agricultural products and souvenirs in Deu 2 hamlet, Nghia An commune, and Sa Ren hamlet, Nghia Loi commune. Preserving and promoting the value of Tham Han cave in Ao Luong hamlet, Son A commune, the township has implemented a plan to restore the Tham Han cave festival, and submit to competent agencies for approval its holding annually on the full-moon day of the first lunar month.

At the same time, the township has established three cooperatives and 34 cooperative groups to serve tourism, maintained operations of 21 mass performance teams, and organised three classes to teach Thai folk songs (Thai khap) to artisans, teachers, students, and those who are talented and passionate about Thai khap melodies.

It has also coordinated with the provincial relic management centre to compile a dossier requesting to include the Xen Dong (forest worship) ceremony in the national intangible cultural heritage list, and worked with the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism to participate in a programme to promote culture of Muong Lo’s ethnic groups in Phu Tho province and Ho Chi Minh City in 2023. These activities have contributed significantly to developing rural tourism associated with promoting and exploiting advantages and potential of agriculture, culture and the ecological environment of the locality, thus contributing to changing people's mindset from agricultural production to agricultural economy.

Nghia Lo township is located in the west of Yen Bai province, the ancestral land of the Black Thai people. Community-based tourism of the Thai people is the township's strength.

Tam Dan

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