Mu Cang Chai Paragliding Festival to take place on upcoming national holidays

  •  Friday, April 19, 2024

YBO - On the occasion of the upcoming national holidays of the Liberation of the South and National Reunification, and May Day from April 27 to May 1, a lot of tourist activities will be held in Mu Cang Chai district, including the opening of the 2024 Paragliding Festival entitled “Bay tren mien danh thang” (Flying over Scenic Spot).

Paragliding in Mu Cang Chai district is attracting an increasingly large number of tourists.
Paragliding in Mu Cang Chai district is attracting an increasingly large number of tourists.

An art programme featuring the National Reunification Day and tourism activities is scheduled to take place at 8pm on April 27.

Meanwhile, at the opening ceremony of the Paragliding Festival at 8am on April 28 in Lim Thai hamlet of Cao Pha commune, the district will launch the "Green tourism movement with Mu Cang Chai".

In addition, the district will hold a workshop themed "Mu Cang Chai – A characteristic, safe and friendly destination" in mid-June; and display booths introducing local products from April 27 - May 1, along with a ‘khen’ (panpipe) dance and scarf dance competition for students on April 30 and May 1.

There are many other activities such as cultural performances, street dances, a Mu Cang Chai beautiful photo exhibition, and tours to experience terraced field farming, and explore community cultural values, and natural landscapes of Mu Cang Chai.

Thu Trang

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