Happy New Year letter from Secretary of provincial Party Committee, head of National Assembly deputies’ delegation of Yen Bai Do Duc Duy

  •  Saturday, February 10, 2024

YBO - Dear the people of all ethnic groups, members of the armed forces, cadres, civil servants, public employees, entrepreneurs, workers, and the natives of Yen Bai who are living, working, and studying domestically and abroad,

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Do Duc Duy meets with Mayor of Saint Ouen city Karim Bouamrane.
Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Do Duc Duy meets with Mayor of Saint Ouen city Karim Bouamrane.

On the occasion of the Year of the Dragon 2024, on behalf of the Party Committee - People’s Council - People’s Committee - Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Yen Bai province, I would like to extend my regards and the best New Year wishes to revolutionary veterans, Heroic Vietnamese Mothers, Heroes of the Armed Forces, the families contributing to the nation, soldiers of the armed forces, cadres, civil servants, public employees, entrepreneurs, workers, people of all ethnic groups, and the natives of Yen Bai who are living, working and studying domestically and abroad!

2023 was the mid-term year for the implementation of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and the Resolution of the 19th provincial Party Congress. Amid a myriad of difficulties and challenges, some of which were worse than forecast, the Party organisation, administration, armed forces, and people of ethnic groups in the province stayed united, shared efforts, and kept unanimity to weather difficulties and challenges to fulfill the set targets and political tasks in a relatively comprehensive manner.

The local economy sustained moderately good growth, reaching an annual average of 7.24% during the first three years of the tenure to rank fifth among the 14 provinces in the northern midland and mountainous region, while the economic structure shifted positively. The infrastructure system received focus-driven investment to develop comprehensively and modernly, and many key transport facilities were completed and put into use, helping create strong momentum for local socio-economic development.

Cultural and social aspects recorded much progress and left positive hallmarks. The cultural identity of ethnic groups was preserved and effectively brought into play. Efforts continued to fruitfully realise the target of fast and sustainable poverty elimination. People’s happiness index was improved considerably. A number of important political, economic, cultural, and tourism events were organised, leaving strong impression on people and visitors from across the province and other localities.

Đồng chí Đỗ Đức Duy - Ủy viên Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng, Bí thư Tỉnh ủy, Trưởng Đoàn đại biểu Quốc hội tỉnh Yên Bái

Defence and security were consolidated and enhanced while political security and social order and safety were firmly maintained, thereby ensuring a peaceful and happy life for people. External affairs continued to be expanded in a comprehensive and substantive manner with many practical and effective activities held.

The building of the Party and political system reaped important results thanks to many creative and effective methods applied. Activities of Party committees, administrations, Vietnam Fatherland Front committees, and socio-political organisations were reformed strongly, resulting in better quality and effectiveness. People’s trust in the Party and State was unceasingly reinforced and strengthened.

On behalf of the Party Committee - People’s Council - People’s Committee - Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Yen Bai province, I wish to appreciate the attention, leadership, and directions by the Party Central Committee, National Assembly, Government, ministries and central agencies and sectors; the effective assistance and cooperation from domestic and foreign localities, partners, and friends; and especially the solidarity, joint efforts, unanimity, strong determination, and enormous endeavours of the entire political system, the business community and people of all ethnic groups in the province who actively contributed to the development of Yen Bai province last year.

The year 2024 holds critical and decisive significance to the successful implementation of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and the resolutions of all-level Party congresses for the 2020 - 2025 tenure. I would like to appeal to all Party committees, administrations, Vietnam Fatherland Front committees, socio-economic organisations, the business community, and people of ethnic groups in the province to bring into play the tradition of revolutionary heroism, the strength of the great national solidarity, the spirit of self-reliance and resilience, and the aspiration to move forwards; stay dynamic, proactive and creative to overcome every difficulty and challenge; and show the determination to successfully and comprehensively fulfill the targets and tasks for 2024, thereby creating an important impetus for the successful implementation of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and the Resolution of the 19th provincial Party Congress.

Once again, I wish the entire people and comrades good health, happiness and success in the New Year!

New Year, new determination, new morale, new victories!

Best regards!

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