New Year greeting letter from Secretary of provincial Party Committee Do Duc Duy

  •  Sunday, January 22, 2023

YBO - On the occasion of the Year of Cat 2023, Do Duc Duy, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Yen Bai Provincial Party Committee, and head of the 15th National Assembly deputies’ delegation of the province, has sent a New greeting letter. The following is a rough translation of the letter.

Mr Do Duc Duy, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Yen Bai Provincial Party Committee
Mr Do Duc Duy, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Yen Bai Provincial Party Committee

"Dear people of all ethnic groups, members of armed forces, cadres, civil servants, public employees, entrepreneurs, workers, and people from the hometown of Yen Bai living, studying, and working nationwide and abroad,

On the occasion of the Year of the Cat 2023, on behalf of the Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Yen Bai province, I’d like to offer the best New Year wishes to veteran revolutionaries, Heroic Vietnamese Mothers, Heroes of the People’s Armed Forces, families of revolution contributors, members of armed forces, cadres, civil servants, public employees, entrepreneurs, workers, people of all ethnic groups, and those from the hometown of Yen Bai living, studying, and working nationwide and abroad.

In 2022, despite numerous difficulties and challenges, thanks to the entire political system’s spirit of "proactivity, creativity, drastic action, discipline, acceleration, and effectiveness”, together with the consensus, support, and determination of people from all ethnic groups and the business community in the province, we managed to address difficulties, weather challenges, and comprehensively achieve the set targets and fulfill political tasks.

The province's economy maintained good growth, with GRDP expansion of 8.62% – the highest since 2015, and average annual growth of 7.86% since the tenure’s beginning – ranking third among the 14 northern midland and northern mountainous provinces; while the economic structure changed positively. The infrastructure system continued to receive focus-oriented investment, especially intra-regional and inter-regional transport infrastructure, creating a new impetus for local socio-economic development. Digital transformation was carried out strongly and effectively, obtaining important results. Cultural and social affairs were given due attention and recorded much progress; the quality of education - training and public health care continually been improved; social security policies were implemented in a full and timely manner; and efforts were maintained to reduce poverty fast and sustainably. The people’s happiness index was improved considerably. Cultural identities of ethnic groups were preserved and brought into play effectively; we also successfully organised many provincial and regional cultural and sports events, leaving strong impression on local residents and visitors from across the province and elsewhere. Defence - security were ensured while social order and safety were guaranteed, creating a favourable environment for investment attraction, socio-economic development, and a peaceful and happy life for all people.

Many significant results were recorded in the building of a clean and strong Party and political system, helping strengthen the leadership and ruling capacity of the Party, as well as the efficiency and effectiveness of activities by the administration, Vietnam Fatherland Front, and socio-political organisations, and consolidate the people’s trust in the Party’s leadership and all-level administrations’ management and governance.

On behalf of the Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, and Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Yen Bai province, I’d like to acknowledge the leadership and directions by the Party Central Committee, the National Assembly, the Government, the Prime Minister, commissions, ministries, and central agencies; the fruitful cooperation and assistance from domestic and foreign localities, partners, and friends; the solidarity, joint efforts, consensus, and determination of the entire political system, the business community, and people of all ethnic groups in the province, who have greatly contributed to the development of Yen Bai province last year.

In 2023, apart from opportunities and advantages, we will continue facing new difficulties and challenges forecast to have adverse impacts on the province’s implementation of common political tasks. Bringing into play the positive results gained during the two-year implementation of the resolutions of all-level Party congresses for the 2020 - 2025 tenure, with the overall and consistent goal of successfully and comprehensively achieving the targets and tasks of socio-economic development, defence - security safeguarding, and the Party and political system building under the provincial Party Committee’s Action Programme No 135-CTr/TU, dated November 18, 2022, on behalf of the provincial Party Committee, I’d like to call on Party committees and administrations at all levels, the business community, and people of ethnic groups in the province to bring into play the heroic revolutionary traditions, the strength of the great national solidarity, the will of self-reliance, and aspiration to move forwards; push ahead with patriotic emulation movements, dynamism, proactivity, creativity, and efforts to surmount difficulties and challenges and successfully and comprehensively obtain targets and perform tasks for 2023, thereby creating important momentum for the implementation of resolutions of the 13th National Party Congress and the 19th provincial Party Congress, developing Yen Bai in a "green, harmonious, identify-imbued, and happy” manner, and becoming a moderately good province in the northern midland and mountainous region by 2025.

Once again, I wish the entire people and comrades a New Year of good health, happiness, and success!

New Year, new determination, new victories!


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