Unique events, festivals help promote Yen Bai tourism

  •  Wednesday, March 20, 2024

YBO - Yen Bai province has been taking advantage of unique typical tourism events and festivals in localities across the province to promote its tourism and attract more visitors.

Thai dancing performance attracts a lot of visitors to Nghia Lo town, Yen Bai province.
Thai dancing performance attracts a lot of visitors to Nghia Lo town, Yen Bai province.

Over recent years, the province has recorded initial successes in exploiting the cultural value of festivals and cultural events associated with tourism development in localities. Local people and visitors, both domestic and international, highly value such major events and festivals.

Localities in the province identified cultural festivals and events as core to promoting tourism. They focused on connecting traditional cultural nuances to create a series of festivals, events, and cultural activities while ensuring their compatibility with the cultural characteristics of each ethnic group and area, as well as the participation of the community in utilising such cultural values.

Every year, localities in Yen Bai province organise over 40 traditional festivals.

In addition, they hold annual festivals and tourism events such as the Muong Lo Cultural and Tourism Festival, the "Coming to the Land of Gems” tourism programme, and Dong Cuong temple Festival.

In particular, localities in the province are paying great attention to exploiting highlight events to attract tourists and develop attractive tourism products.

For example, realising the uniqueness of the forest god worshipping ceremony of the Mong people in Na Hau commune, Van Yen district, the local administration decided to make it a district-level festival. The festival delivers a message of promoting traditional cultural values and preserving forests, protecting the natural environment.

The development and promotion of tourism through highlight events will not only help Yen Bai become a famous tourist destination but also contribute to the preservation and sustainable development of special cultural and natural values in the northwestern region.

Thanh Ba

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