Dong Cuong Temple New Rice Festival 2022 held

  •  Friday, October 7, 2022

YBO - The management board of Dong Cuong Temple in coordination with the People’s Committee of Dong Cuong commune in Yen Bai province's Van Yen district organised Com Moi (New Rice) Festival 2022 on October 4-5 - the 9th and 10th days of the 9th lunar month.

Making com (young sticky rice) contest.
Making com (young sticky rice) contest.

The festivals kicked off with the ritual of slaughtering a black buffalo to worship Mau (Mother Goddess) and heaven and earth. People will use buffalo meat to make 36 food trays as offerings to national heroes and soldiers who died in the battle against the Mongols to defend the country.

The new feature of this year's festival was that the contest of Mother Goddess Offering Trays was held for the first time. Nine teams representing nine villages in the commune took part in the competition. They showcased local specialties and talked about the purpose and meaning of the trays.

A contest of making com (young sticky rice) was also organised, with the participation of six teams from villages in Dong Cuong commune, which is expected to offer visitors a special and colourful celebration.

The Dong Cuong Temple New Rice Festival 2022 contributed to meeting the spiritual demand of a large number of people, thereby, arousing the tradition of solidarity and awareness of protecting cultural heritages. It was also an opportunity for Van Yen district to introduce cultural tourism products to attract tourists and promote tourism development in the locality.

Nine villages of Dong Cuong commune compete in the contest of Mother Goddess Offering Trays.


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