Yen Bai organisation supports martyrs’ families in housing

  •  Tuesday, November 21, 2023

YBO - As an orgationsation operating on the principle of volunteerism, self-management, and self-funding, the Association for Martyr Family Support in Yen Bai has mobilised resources from the community to carry out meaningful activities to show gratitude to heroes.

Dong Quang Hung, Chairman of the Association for Martyr Family Support, and donors hand over financial assistance to Nguyen Thi Tuoi who is a martyr's relative in Cuong Thinh commune, Tran Yen district.
Dong Quang Hung, Chairman of the Association for Martyr Family Support, and donors hand over financial assistance to Nguyen Thi Tuoi who is a martyr's relative in Cuong Thinh commune, Tran Yen district.

2023 is the first year of implementing the resolution of the association in the 2022-2027 tenure. After gathering data on needy families and their demands, the association has considered support to particular family, especially those having Heroic Vietnamese Mothers and 2-3 martyrs.

As of November, the association has helped build 43 new houses and repair two others, while presenting 40 Heroic Vietnamese Mothers and relatives of martyrs with saving books worth 3 million VND (123 USD) each, and providing hundreds of gifts to Heroic Vietnamese Mothers with a total value of 2.76 billion VND. The funding was mobilised from the community.

Yen Bai has nearly 6,000 martyrs, 299 Heroic Vietnamese Mothers and a large number of needy martyrs’ families that are not included in the list of poor households. Many families have met difficulties in searching and bringing back remains of their family members who are martyrs but have yet to receive support from the State. Therefore, the association’s activities have helped them in easing these difficulties.

In the coming time, the association will continue to complete the list and verify conditions of households that are in need of houses and assistance to seek and move remains of martyrs to the hometown, thus defining prioritised cases to provide support.

For 2024, the association aims to mobilise resources to build 15-20 houses, while maintaining activities of visiting and presenting gifts to policy beneficiaries.

Hoai Anh

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